Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day #4: Frustration

Ok so I am over half way through the first week. By far the hardest part has been the new recipes. Trying to find ones that we like, things we would not mind eating again. We don't have old favorites we can fall back on here, we have never eaten this way. It is a very odd experience. We have to rebuild the palate in some sense.

At the end of a long day when you just want to go home, relax on the couch and eat a delicious dinner, this is where the frustration can creep in . We try something new every night, this can be a fun exhilerating experience, but it does not always pan out. So when you drag yourself home after that difficult day and that dinner doesn't quite work out, it can be sorely disappointing.

I think part of it is also the withdrawals from eating my comfort foods, getting away from what I know. I think we all have inside of us that stubborn 2-year-old child who wants to throw a tantrum and rebel at the mention of change. I can feel that rebellion boiling up inside. I knew it would be coming at some point, but I will prevail. I won't give in, I will exercise that will-power I have kept locked away for this very moment. Darn you, Spaghetti and meatballs, for creeping in my stressed out mind and taunting my rebellious child inside, Darn you I say! Change takes time.

Ok, so normally I like to put up a picture of what we ate, but unfortunately there were some camera issues and I was not able to get the pictures. We had sweet potatoe burritos with salsa tonight. Like I said, we weren't thrilled with dinner tonight. It was ok, but nothing I would run to do again.

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