Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day #30: And Beyond.......

I started this quest 30 days ago. I did it because I wanted to be healthy, I wanted to live longer, I wanted to spend many more years with my partner and my family. I have had numerous health issues through the years and it was time to take drastic steps. I set my goal at 26 days because I was going home for my Mom's 60th Birthday and I didn't want to complicate time while I was there. Well thirty days later I will tell you how the trip went and the decisions I have come to at the end of this journey of mine.

I'll tell you that I talked to Mike as we flew all the way to Washington state from Oklahoma (we had plenty of time, that is for sure!). It just kept going through my head; "If I have felt better than I have in years and even look better why would I just decide to go back to the way I felt before?" So I decided, with the full support of the one I love, that I was going to continue my vegetarian quest through the vacation and see how it went.

Now let me tell you, it is not easy to stick to being a vegetarian when you are on a vacation. First of all, you are in places that you do not know. It is not like at home where I know the town, I have sought out the restaurants and fast food joints that I can go to. We were in airports and on the road and everything was a struggle. I learned very quickly how to be assertive and ask for vegetarian options or ask for a dish without the meat. I was met many a time with the looks that I have grown accustomed to. I now know how to scan a menu in a restaurant or even a grocery store deli and find the items that fit my needs in a matter of minutes. These really are suvival skills for a vegetarian at any level.

So I learned how to survive on the road and made it safely to my family. My family loves me, always have, always will. This, however, does not mean that they always "get" me. I mean, I have done things a certain way, eaten certain things for 34 years of my life and now in the matter of a month I have changed all of my rules. That takes a person a minute to acclimate to. So they were not prepared for the vegetarian thing. I remember when I started, I couldn't imagine what I would eat other than salad because I had never thought about food in this way. Mike and I made sure we went to the grocery store so I would have options, we went to pick up lunch oneday and made sure to order stuff I could eat as well. It is not that my family had anything against my new lifestyle, they just have never had to deal with it before.

So I survied, I made it, I spent an amazing time with my entire family, ate good food and laughed a lot. It just went to reinforce the whole reason I have done this in the first place. Take away your job, your bills, your stress, take away everything until you are left with that tiny, simple grain of love at the center of it all and you will see what it is all about. All that resides there are you and the ones you love and in the end that is all that matters. I want to spend as much time enjoying life and the ones I care about. As I used to say as a young man just beginning my journey of life, before the shine was tarnished and the wounds had made their mark; "Everything boils down to one truth......It's All About Love."

So I am proud to say that this journey is not over for me. I feel rejuvenated and alive. I am not ready to throw that all away. I am loved and I love and I want that to last as long as possible. So here we go, a vegetarian is born. Why? Because for me it works and it makes sense. For me it has changed my life in a good way. It has given me a chance to celebrate that much longer and that is reason enough for me!

NOTE: I don't plan on leaving the blog. I still feel I have a lot to learn as I stay on this vegetarian course. I would love to keep sharing my discoveries and thoughts with those who want to listen and I may even deliver on those recipes I promised. The format may change a bit but it will still be fun and informative and hopefully entertaining. So keep checking in!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day #20: Independance

I can't believe I am at day number twenty. It has not been anywhere near as hard as I thought it would be. It definitely was not a piece of cake (ooh that sounds good!) but not insane. People keep asking me what I plan to do after, am I going back to meat. I have to say I have enjoyed the way I feel eating this way. It's been a whole new world to me of energy and clarity of thinking. Although I have no answer as of yet, I am enjoying every minute of this.

I even proved that I can do this on my own. Since Mike has had to be out of town for work all week I have had to prove to myself that I can do this for me. I have done it, it was hard at first. No one to cook for or be organized for is hard for me, but I have taken myself out to lunch and chosen vegetarian options each time, I even went grocery shopping today and made a Corn soufle and had a nice baby spinach salad and enjoyed it very much.

I am anxious to go to a doctor and have blood work done and see if it has made a difference. I have always had high cholesterol and blood pressure and blood sugar. Now my sodium intake is down, my meat products are out and I feel wonderful. The scale even seems to like me again!

As we wind down on these final days of my quest I will share some of my favorite recipes with you so you can try them yourself. Many of you have asked and I am excited to share, so look for them in the coming days. Thank you for all of your support.


On The Dinner Plate: As I said I made a corn soufle tonight. I have to say it was pretty good, but a little sweet. I think it would make a perfect side dish to a more savory main dish. Still over-all it was easy and good and that is what counts!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day #17: Thankful

So I made it, I am more than half-way through and, no, I have not slipped and eaten meat yet. I honestly don't miss it that much at all. I have been learning so much and I do hope I have been able to share that with all of you in a way that makes sense. It's funny, I notice more when I don't eat right. I can feel the sluggishness that comes with overdoing the sugar, the bloating from over-eating on all the wrong things. Where before I think I did it so often that it felt like feeling that way was normal, now I know what feeling really good is like so that contrast is astounding.

I have learned that I can still gain weight without eating meat and that a lifestyle change is a daily choice. I choose to be healthy and I have to make that choice a thousand times a day. I am confronted time and again with options that can go either way. It is more than just food choices; it is attitude choices, reaction choices, word choices and they really are all connected. The way I feel at the end of the day is greatly effected by the choices I have made throughout that day.

I have come to realize and accept that everything is connected. I know that my health is my responsibility. I am the one in the driver's seat and if I crash and burn I have no one to blame but myself. I do have to say, that I could not do any of it without the support system that I have though. Although ultimately it comes down to me and what I choose to do, the support of those around me help me to continue on the path to health.

To all of my friends who have sent such supportive and kind words to me ,I thank you. To the people who have emailed me and asked questions and told me I have inspired them, I am deeply humbled by your words and have much gratitude to you. To those amazing people I see everyday who keep me positive and allow us to share together, you do more than you know. To the one who walks beside me everyday of our lives, who loves me even when I don't make sense, and supports me because he wants what makes me happy, there are no words just my heart.

So I realize this sounds like a Sally Fields acceptance speech, but cheesy or not, I feel very touched tonight. All the support keeps me feeling accountable and helps me to stay on track and that means the world to me. So for what it is worth. Thank you all!

If it weren't for the support system I am so lucky to have, I don't think it would be easy at all.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day #15: Set-backs and Chocolate

So here we are, two weeks down. Mike is gone this week on work and I realized something; it is harder when he is not here. Weird isn't it? I find that I am more structured with him around. When I have to plan my meals because I have to think about his dinner as well, I tend to be more organized and stable. When all I have is myself to worry about I don't plan as much.

Now, I have not started eating meat, I just don't have a planned meal. This can tend to leave me eating things that although they qualify as vegetarian, do not end up very healthy. Which brings me to my other issue this week; Ihave gained 5 pounds back from what I have lost. I hate that I am even admitting that. I think because I went vegetarian I just assumed that all was healthy and well in the world. Of course you can still over-eat as a vegetarian. There are plenty of carbs to choose from and calories to consume. I mean I knew this really, but I didn't pay as close attention as I used to.

I am a perfectionist and I take set backs very hard. I am always my worst critic. This is an issue I work on all the time. Instead of beating myself up for failing, I chose to just admit it out loud in this blog and accept it as a learning experience. A lifestyle change is just that a whole change. I'm not gonna get it right and perfect in the first two weeks. I am going to learn from what happens and be better.

So I have gained weight and need to pay attention to the amount of bad calories that I consume. I need to get back to the whole reason I started this quest, to be healthy and live longer. So I am going to get back up and do just that. One more rule that I think does well to be repeated: Just because chocolate does not have meat in it does NOT mean I can eat all I want :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day #13: Feeling Satisfied

I am officially half way through the vegetarian quest. I have to say it has gotten much easier, I think even Mike is enjoying it more. I no longer have any problem feeling satisfied and full throughout the day and thinking in a vegetarian mindset has become much more of a reflex. We don't have to wrack our brains to think of something for lunch or a snack that will fit the new lifestyle.

I have also been enjoying the wonderful comments and sweet emails that I have received. If you haven't heard back from me yet, I apologize and I promise to write this week. As for the question I keep getting asked, "What happens for me after this quest?" I do not have an answer right now. I promised myself that I would not look ahead, that I would put my energy into each day of this journey and cross that bridge when I get there. So keep following me and you will find out soon enough.

I have also been asked about recipes for some of the food I have pictured. So in future blog posts I will post some of our favorite recipes so far, give them a try and let me know what you think.

Sorry this is a shorter, more "fluffy" post. The weekend was wonderful and long and I don't think my brain has the capacity to do much more thinking. Rest assured I will be back at it this week. And don't forget to check out my other blog on growing my own vegetables at http://radfieldfarms.blogspot.com/


Dinner Time!! Tonight's dinner was a homerun in my book!! I don't think it matters if you are a vegetarian or a meat eater this recipe was amazing!! We had Eggplant Parmesan. This had no pasta at all in it, just tomato sauce, onions, eggplant baked in Italian bread crumbs and cheese melted over top. I am way more than satisfied and will definitely be having this again and again. Don't worry, I can guarantee this will be a recipe I share.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day #11: Detoxing and other Opinions

I've made it to day #11. That is almost two full weeks as a vegetarian and I am proud to say I have not slipped one time. It is getting easier to plan the meals and actually be satisfied throughout the day. The first week had it's ups and downs. Making such a drastic lifestyle change takes a lot of will power and can be quite difficult. Having to deal with differing opinions is an obstacle as well. I was doing it though and going strong. Then detox hit.....

Yep, I had been told by fellow veggie lovers that there would be a time in the second week where it would feel like my body was rebelling. I even saw it happen to those people in the documentary that inspired me. I had been feeling great though, so that was not going to happen to me.

Then came the rumbly in my tumbly. Oh yes and it was not fun. Sometime on Tuesday I began to notice that everytime I ate something, my stomach began to feel like I was on a rocking boat. It got worse on Wednesday. To be very forward and in the spirit of full disclosure, there was a lot of time spent in the bathroom as well. I am happy to report that by Friday (today) I am back to my old self.

This caused much speculation from the people around me. Questions of my protein intake abounded. People began to tell me that it was time to stop being a vegetarian, that I was not feeling well because I was not eating meat. Some people were teasing me, others were sincere in their pleas. In the end, please rest assured that I am fine. I know my body, it was nothing extreme. It could have been a bug, it could have been detox in the second week, who knows. I stuck to the vegetarian diet and today feel fine.

In the end I can tell you that I feel great. I have more energy now than I have had in years, I am losing weight at a healthy pace, and I am creating healthy habits that will help me live a long and happy life. I am excited to continue this quest and share with all of you the challenges and successes along the way.


Dinner Time!! Tonight for dinner Mike made a very spicy and hardy vegetarian chilli. It had everything from green bell peppers, to kidney, black and garbonzo beans, crumbled up veggie burgers and plenty of chili powder. Sure it made my eyes water, my throat tickly and my nose run, but I ate two bowls! This was some good stuff!